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Pushing along a Hesitant Fundraising Donor

Fundraiser Newsletter Article

When you don’t get a definitive answer, either way about your prospect making a donation, it can be slightly frustrating but it’s important not to give up and also not to let them wait too long with their answer. You need to keep the potential donor, hot even when they haven’t yet agreed to make a donation to your fundraiser.
If the person you have been talking with offers you a delay on giving a gift, ask for a tentative date that you should again try contacting. Make the date within a couple days but not longer than a week. This should be plenty of time for them to decide but not enough time that they forget about you and your organization! Create a sense of urgency about your project and that you are in need of an answer either way.
If they are unable to give you a date to contact them again, take it upon yourself to call within three days to a week and find out if they have made a final decision. As always, follow up with a thank you card. Persistence in fundraising is essential for success although it is important to not be too pushy as well!

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