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Going After the Big Gift Donations

Fundraiser Newsletter Article

Your first fundraising goal should be to identify the companies that you believe will make a donation on the larger side. Contacting the bigger corporations first will give you a good idea of how much money you will potentially be able to raise.
When contacting the bigger corporations for big gift donations, always be as detailed and professional as possible. Start by calling the company and finding out who handles all fundraising and events solicitations. Than use that person to make contact. You can either write a letter or ask to come in and meet with them in person, the choice is yours.
When calling or arriving to your meeting, be sure to have all the financial data in order to show your prospect. Asking for a big gift donation means they are going to want to see why you need the money and what your intentions are once you have the money. This is all information you should have with you to show them in detail.
Going after the big gift donations isn’t as bad as you may think, just do your research. Find out what charities they have donated too in the past and use that information to your benefit.

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